Incubation and acceleration hub where enthusiastic entrepreneurs are trained, mentored, and coached.
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We have different incubation and acceleration programs, workshops, events, and networking opportunities in order to integrate leadership and entrepreneurship for a wide range of industries and in turn to produce successful innovators.
Recent Events
To raise a transformed generation of leaders committed to serving their country and contributing to the revitalization of Africa.
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More than 100 enterprises were incubated and accelerated under xHub Addis.

Where Founders and Start-ups Scale Up

1. Applications Accepted

Founders from across Ethiopia are invited to apply during our incubation windows.

2. Founder Interviews

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed at our office.

3. Discussing the Results

xHub takes great care in considering which startups make it through.

4. Incubation Begins

A range of trainings and facilities are provided to startups, along with rent free space to work at xHub.

5. Graduation Assessments

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ensure only startups that meet or exceed expectations graduate.

6. Graduation

After the incubation is complete, you become a part of the xHub alumni network.

xHub Addis Story

xHub Addis is an incubation and acceleration hub where enthusiastic entrepreneurs are trained, mentored, and coached. We have different incubation and acceleration programs, workshops, events, and networking opportunities in order to integrate leadership and entrepreneurship for a wide range of industries and in turn to produce successful innovators. Our incubation and acceleration center is well equipped to boost tomorrow ’ s innovators.

xHub Offers a Range of Services for Startups

Our mother organization CALS (Center for African Leadership Studies) is a raining center that birthed xHub Addis, the second tech hub in the country. 100+ enterprises were incubated and accelerated under xHub Addis. We have incubated and accelerated startups from various sectors including health, finance, education, agriculture, commerce, and the arts. 

Quick Facts

Incubated Startups
Graduated Startups
Women Entrepreneurs
Hours of Curriculum
Indirect Jobs Created
Hours of Mentoring
Direct Jobs Created
Countries Served
What People Say



Join our networking events. See dates below and RSVP ASAP.

In-house Networking Event

Friday 28th October, 2022 4:30pm-6:30pm

EMS at the Sheraton

RSVP ASAP! Next event is on Friday 21 October, 2022 6pm-9pm